
Peer Review 2

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Hi Tara,

As soon as I read this question when looking for the creative and critical topics, I knew I had to do it too.
I totally agree with your statement of agreeing and disagreeing, as I also think it needed some modification for us to write about something a little more specif perhaps. I disagreed with the statement in my blog but felt like some of the things I mentioned made me sound like a supporter, but now looking at it from your perspective I can see that It is not entirely wrong to strike it.

I still think it’s unfair and a pitiless to say/ make such statement, it sound to me like Jane Austen is being labelled or characterized in a statement made by who knows how many people, don’t you agree?
You are right in saying that Austen’s aim is to set an example to her readers through the characters, for instance Emma’s realization and the novel’s plot twist tells me that what Austen is trying to do, is to show her readers what ego-centrism can bring about in a way.

Looking forward to reading your future blogs, keep it going.

– Ashureena

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